

Define the Site Goal/Purpose: I collaborate with the client to determine what goals the website needs to fulfill.

Define the Project Scope: Once we know the site's goals, we can define the scope of the project. For example, outline of necessary web pages and features the site requires to fulfill the goal, and the timeline for the project.

Sitemap, Wireframes & Content Creation

Create the Sitemap and Wireframe: With the project scope well-defined, we can start working on the sitemap.

Create Content: The client and I can collaborate to begin creating content for the individual pages. (The closer the content is to the final product, the better!)

Concepting & Design

Concept: This is where the web designs start to take shape, we work on concepts, mockups, and even prototypes (when necessary)!

Design: I define visual style elements that match the brand. This is where I define and outline brand standards! Examples of these elements include: typography, color, sizing, composition, and photography.

Development & Deployment

Development: Awesome! Now it's time to develop the project and make it come to life!

Testing & Debugging: The final step is testing the new website. I walk through the website step by step following the user journey to test and identify everything from user experience issues to simple broken links. I work to ensure the most seamless experience for the user.

Launch: Now it's time to plan and execute the site launch!